Alix Perry is a trans writer from the Pacific Northwest. Their debut chapbook, Tomatoes Beverly, is forthcoming with Querencia Press.

Alix's poetry has been nominated for the Best of the Net Anthology and is published or forthcoming in Rejection Letters, The B'K, Kissing Dynamite, manywor(l)dsDefunkt, Maw, Stone of Madness, FERALPapers PublishingRogue Agent, Squawk Back, Lammergeierand Words & Whispers

Their short fiction can (or will) be found in beestung, Mag20/20warning lines, and Prismatica, and their essays have been featured in the Courage is a Gift AnthologyAn Injustice!, Equality Includes You, and Papeachu Review.

Alix is currently seeking representation for their speculative novel, Black Sand

You can follow Alix's work by signing up for their quarterly newsletter (see bottom of page)
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